Facturación y seguro
Patient Schedule
Mon. 8:00am-5:30pm Tue. 8:00am-5:30pm
Wed. 8:00am-5:30pm
Thur. 8:00am-7:00pm (Windsor)
Fri. 8:00am-12:30pm

Facturación y seguro
En la Asociación de Salud Rural del Condado de Bertie, creemos que cada paciente tiene derecho a una atención médica asequible y de calidad. Una de las decisiones más importantes sobre quién brindará su atención médica es si sus servicios están cubiertos por su plan de salud actual. BCRHA acepta la mayoría de los seguros privados, incluidos BCBS, Medicare y Medicaid. Requerimos copagos de su seguro, deducible y 20% de responsabilidad por los servicios de Medicare en el momento de la visita. Aceptamos efectivo, cheques y todas las principales tarjetas de crédito/débito. Para saber si BCRHA acepta su plan de seguro médico o si tiene preguntas sobre su cobertura, llame a nuestro especialista en facturación al 252-794-3042 opción n.° 4 o comuníquese con su compañía de seguros.
Telemedina (Visitas Virtuales)
Pruebas y tratamiento de Covid-19
OB-GYN-Atención prenatal
Monitorización cardiovascular - ECG
Medicina interna y familiar
Mercado de seguros
Laboratorio de Diagnóstico
Bienestar y exámenes físicos
Pruebas de drogas para empleados
Salud conductual
Sliding Fee Scale Available
§ deslizante tasa aplicación-Español
Bertie County Rural Health believes that access to health care is a fundamental right that should not be limited by an individual’s ability to pay. It is the goal of Bertie County Rural Health’s sliding fee program to guarantee that all patients have access to quality medical care, regardless of their ability to pay for such services. The inability to pay is explicitly defined as those patients with an annual household income of 200% and below the federal poverty level.
Individuals with an annual household income greater than 200% of the federal poverty level are considered ABLE to pay.
Bertie County Rural Health’s sliding fee program is the payer of LAST resort. As such, if a patient qualifies for Medicaid the patient is ineligible for Sliding Fee. Children aged 18 and younger and adults with dependent children must have a current application letter or other documentation from the county Department of Social Services proving the patient has applied for Medicaid before being eligible to apply for the sliding fee discount. If the patient is undocumented (no valid social security number), the Medicaid application letter is NOT required.
Patients will qualify for sliding fee discounts based on household size and income. Eligibility is extended to all patients, regardless of other medical coverage, with the exception of NC Medicaid. (Patients with Medicaid coverage for Part B Medicare premiums may be screened for sliding fee).
Patients can be insured and still qualify for a sliding fee. Occasionally, we have patients with limited financial means who have Medicare or private insurance, but these individuals face barriers to paying co-payments, co-insurance, etc. Any insured patient who is having a hard time paying for medical services will be screened for a sliding fee. If the insured patient’s household income is 200% and below the federal poverty level, he or she qualifies for a sliding fee. Anyone applying must provide the following:
Income Tax Returns showing Adjusted Gross Income and Family Size. Pay Check Stubs: Two or more consecutive pay stubs indicating pay.
Agency Letter: A letter from Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, or Social Service Agency (AFDC, Food Stamps or WIC) indicating income level.
Unemployment Verification: Paperwork from the Employment Securities Commission Court Documents: Official documents citing child support or alimony as awarded by a judge.
Official Paperwork: Paperwork documenting retirement, disability, SSI benefits
Employer Letter: For any not receiving an actual paycheck, a letter from the patient's employer detailing current gross income and frequency of pay. Employer contact info. needed for verification.
The Family size can be documented with a most recent tax return, Social Security Cards, Rental Agreements that indicate family members, Medicaid Cards, and Birth Certificates.